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Tony Dovale
AdaptAgility Coaching Bio v2021.11.12a

Tony’s the AdaptAgility Coach who installs Growth-Optimised MINDSETS, coaching individuals, teams, & leaders. His High Performance Coaching process goes beyond typical coaching, to AMAZING AdaptAgility, Coaching.

Tony Dovale is the founder, and CEO of Life Masters, co-founder of International Coaching and Mentoring Institute, and the developer of:

  • The Revolutionary Workplace High Performance Coaching System
  • LifeShift Formula WON Personal Mastery Success Ensurance System
  • The Emotionetics Energy/Consciousness Healing system
  • The ADAPTAGILITY Mindset Mastery Coaching Proces
  • The SWIFT Coaching Framework

Tony has been intimately involved in coaching, mentoring, and optimizing personal performance, and self-mastery, for over 40 years. He has been an entrepreneur, and business owner for most of his life. His studies cover a wide range of coaching, mentoring, leadership development, and entrepreneurship.

Tony transforms Identities and Mindsets. He pumps up your performance, expands your Growth-Optimised mindset and leadership effectiveness, CLEARS your Mental Constraints, and gives you the roadmap, and resources, to more meaning, mastery, engagement, energy, and real results.

Coaching Research, Models, & Studies

As coaching has been the foundation of almost all of Tony’s studies, research, and development, Tony has research, and developed, a wide range of coaching and mentoring skills, tools, resources, and strategies, that have been part of developing his deep experience and expertise over the last 40+ years. Tony is a Master Masters’ Coach because of his deep & wide experience.
These include: Co-active Coaching, Behavioral Coaching, Blue Ocean Coaching, AdaptAgility Coaching, Growth Mindset Coaching, Limitless Leadership Coaching, Strategy Coaching, Resilience Coaching, high Performance Teams Coaching and Mentoring.

  • Coachville – Coaching studies and co-founder
  • Iopener Institute Science of Happiness@work / coach/Consultant
  • IFPCM – International Federation of Coaches and Mentors
  • ITI Coaching & Transformation Facilitation– Integrity Training International
  • Gibs Strategy Facilitation & Coaching
  • The Human Element – Advance Executive Coaching

Coaching Impacts and Results from Coaching and Mentoring Interventions

Tony has worked with individuals, teams, and leaders, across the business landscape. These include governmental departments, For-Profit Organisations, and NGO’s. Results range from improving business financial results by anything from 200% to 400%, with ROI’s (Returns on Investments) ranging from 10x to 100x.
Because of Tony’s extensive hand-on-experiences, ongoing research and studies, he is able to pass on his wisdom in a way that is simple, fiercely focused, strategically relevant, and structured, to provide and ensure OPTIMAL IMPACTS and application.

Tony, as a Super Coach, isn’t for the faint of heart, or dabblers. Tony only works with people who are 100% committed to their own growth, consciousness, and REAL success.

Sales have almost doubled in 4 months of Sales Activation and coaching with Tony. Gina Clothing
Business grew from R200 Million to almost R800 Million from working with Tony –Deon Financial Manager Independent Development Trust
Business grew from R30 Million, 50 Million; Now going for R200 Million from working with Tony – Allison Lovell Packaging.