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Special Programmes

The Limitless Leadership Coaching Programme


Companies that will survive today, and thrive in the future must be led and managed by agile, energised, astute, authentic and fiercely focused leaders. It is leaders like these that can effectively inspire others and positively influence behaviours that produce best results, especially in tough and rapidly changing times, such as now. Leaders like these are best described as limitless leaders.

They are limitless leaders because they break bounds and are able to easily adjust and adapt to changes. Not only that, they are creative enough to anticipate change, and actually become change agents, using every change situation to their advantage. Limitless leaders do this by activating their mind resources and other resources that are available to them, to align with the needs and opportunities of the time, as well as those of the future.

Achieving this goal is what ICMI’s Limitless Leadership Coaching Programme is positioned to do. The programme is a specialised leadership coaching intervention for the top and middle management staff of organisations that have the potentials to grow exponentially and improve bottom-line profits through inspired leadership. This ‘just-in-time’ intervention provides the support that leaders need to be ‘limitless’, in order to remain resourceful and perform maximally amidst internal and external changes.

Major Outcomes and Benefits

The major outcomes and benefits of the Limitless Leadership Coaching Programme include the following:

  • New perspectives on leadership strength, abilities, potentials and needs.
  • Exposure to support systems that turn strength to excellence, and mitigate risks.
  • Interplay of capacity matrix of: Responsibility, Authority and Accountability
  • Provision of powerful tools to fast-track goals, which align with corporate vision.
  • Adaptation of tips, tools and techniques to effectively coach and mentor others
  • Exposure to models to blueprint and nurture limitless corporate leadership.
  • Increased ability for creative thinking, positive energy and high trust levels

Who Can Benefit from the Programme?

  • Top/Senior Management Staff of Organisations
  • Middle Managers and Team Leaders of Organisations
  • Executive Managers and Administrators
  • Talent Managers and HR Practitioners
  • Heads of government departments and parastatals
  • Business owners and managers

Programme Focus

The programme enhances the performance of key leaders by focusing on four (4) levels of responses, which help to position team leaders and their teams for high performance. The four (4) levels of responses are: “Adjust”, “Adapt”, “Activate” and “Align”.

*Please contact us for full presentation and detailed proposal of the Limitless Leadership Coaching Programme. Click here. You can also send an email to emmanuel@ic-mi.com for more information and/or enquiries on the programme.