Leadership and management responsibilities continue to change dramatically due to the rapidly changing local and global business environments, hence the increasing interest in coaching, as many organisations are prepared to invest in the growth and development of their managers, particularly through coaching.
The Covid-19 global pandemic has in this regard brought into focus the impact of mental, emotional and physical wellbeing on staff performance, with team leaders having to do more, to sustain high performance. This trend will undoubtedly continue, with key leaders needing to develop new leadership skills, as well as coaching and mentoring abilities to inspire their people and teams to consistently achieve high performance.
The Manager-To-Coach Course is a realistic response to this need. It is a specialised coach training course, which provides team leaders with practical coaching tips, tools and techniques that positively influence beliefs, behaviour and actions. The programme is the missing link that every management staff needs for continued success. With practical coaching and mentoring provided in the course of the programme, these managers operate more like ‘coach-leaders’ and ‘coach-mentors’ to their teams.
The Manager-To-Coach Course is designed for everyone that occupies key management and leadership positions in corporate organisations, and/or has opportunity to exert such influences in such organisations. These include
*Please contact us for more information and registration for the Manager-To-Coach Programme. Click Here
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